Beginner’s Guide: Starting Your Own Travel Blog Today

Photo Camera, Laptop

Starting a travel blog can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to share your travel experiences with others, but it also provides an opportunity to build a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for exploration. Additionally, a travel blog has the potential to generate income through various monetization strategies, such as sponsored posts, promoting affiliate marketing products, and advertising.

One of the main benefits of starting a travel blog is the ability to share your experiences and insights with others. Whether you’re exploring remote destinations or uncovering hidden gems in popular tourist spots, your blog allows you to document your adventures and provide valuable information to fellow travellers. By sharing your stories, tips, and recommendations, you can inspire others to embark on their own journeys and create unforgettable memories.

My top advice for this niche is to be authentic. 

Another advantage of starting a travel blog is the opportunity to build a community of like-minded individuals. Through your blog, you can connect with fellow travellers who share your passion for exploration and adventure. This sense of community can be incredibly valuable, as it allows you to exchange ideas, seek advice, and even meet up with other travellers during your journeys. Building a community around your travel blog can also lead to collaborations and partnerships with other bloggers or travel brands.

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Starting a travel blog can make you money, but requires some thought. You can not just use templates and ChatGPT to start making money. You need a voice you need a brand and you need to give people a reason to follow and engage with you.

I can tell you that it WILL TAKE TIME and effort to monetize your blog, there are various strategies that can be implemented to earn income from your travel content. Sponsored posts, where brands pay you to promote their products or services, can be a lucrative source of income. Affiliate marketing, where you earn a commission for promoting products or services through affiliate links, is another popular monetization strategy. Additionally, displaying advertisements on your blog can generate passive income.

Key Takeaways

  • Starting a travel blog can be a great way to share your experiences and connect with others who love to travel.
  • Choosing a niche for your travel blog can help you stand out and attract a specific audience.
  • Picking a memorable name and domain for your travel blog is important for branding and SEO purposes.
  • There are many blogging platforms to choose from, so consider your needs and preferences before making a decision.
  • Creating a content plan and consistently producing high-quality content is key to building a successful travel blog.

Regardless of how saturated a niche is, there is ALWAYS room for more competition.

Step 1: Choose a Niche for Your Travel Blog

Choosing a niche for your travel blog is an important step in establishing your brand and attracting a specific audience. A niche allows you to focus your content on a specific area of travel, such as adventure travel, luxury travel, or budget travel. By narrowing down your focus, you can position yourself as an expert in that particular niche and attract a dedicated audience who are interested in that type of travel.

When selecting a niche for your travel blog, it’s important to choose something that aligns with your interests and expertise. If you’re passionate about adventure travel and have extensive experience in that area, it makes sense to choose adventure travel as your niche. This will allow you to create content that is authentic and valuable to your audience. It’s also important to consider the demand for your chosen niche. Conducting market research and analyzing the competition can help you determine if there is a viable audience for your chosen niche.

Related: How to make money in saturated niches and Making money using crossover shoulder niches.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the potential for growth within your chosen niche. While it’s important to choose a niche that you’re passionate about, it’s also important to consider the long-term potential for growth and monetization. For example, luxury travel may have a smaller audience compared to budget travel, but it may also have higher earning potential through partnerships with luxury brands and hotels.

Step 2: Choose a Name and Domain for Your Travel Blog

Choosing a memorable and relevant name for your travel blog is crucial in establishing your brand identity and attracting readers. Your blog name should reflect the essence of your content and resonate with your target audience. It should be easy to remember, pronounce, and spell.

When choosing a name for your travel blog, it’s important to consider the availability of domain names. Your domain name is the web address where readers can find your blog. Ideally, your domain name should match or closely resemble your blog name. It’s important to choose a domain name that is unique and not already taken by another website.

Related: How to choose domain names for niche websites.

There are several factors to consider when selecting a domain name. First, it should be short and easy to remember. Long and complicated domain names can be difficult for readers to remember and type correctly. Second, it should be relevant to your travel blog and reflect the content you will be sharing. This will help readers understand what your blog is about before even visiting it. Lastly, it’s important to choose a domain name with a .com extension if possible. While there are other domain extensions available, .com is the most widely recognized and trusted by readers.

Once you have chosen a name and domain for your travel blog, you will need to register it. There are many domain registration services available, such as GoDaddy and Namecheap, where you can purchase and register your chosen domain name.

Step 3: Choose a Blogging Platform for Your Travel Blog

Platform Pros Cons
WordPress Easy to use, customizable, large community support Can be expensive, requires hosting and maintenance
Blogger Free, easy to use, owned by Google Less customizable, limited features
Squarespace Easy to use, modern design, all-in-one platform Expensive, limited customization options
Wix Easy to use, drag-and-drop interface, affordable Less customizable, limited SEO options

Choosing the right blogging platform for your travel blog is essential in creating a professional and user-friendly website. There are several popular blogging platforms to choose from, each with its own set of features and benefits.

Related: What to consider when choosing a blogging platform and blogging platforms for affiliates.

WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms and is used by millions of bloggers worldwide. It offers a wide range of themes and plugins that allow you to customize your blog’s design and functionality. WordPress also has a large community of users who provide support and resources for beginners.

Squarespace is another popular blogging platform that offers a user-friendly interface and beautiful templates. It is known for its sleek and modern designs, making it a great choice for travel bloggers who want a visually appealing website. Squarespace also offers built-in SEO tools and analytics to help you optimize your blog for search engines.

Wix is a beginner-friendly blogging platform that offers drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to customize your blog’s design without any coding knowledge. It also offers a wide range of templates and plugins to enhance the functionality of your blog.

When choosing a blogging platform for your travel blog, it’s important to consider your needs and budget. WordPress is a great choice for bloggers who want full control and customization options, but it does require some technical knowledge. Squarespace and Wix are more user-friendly options that are suitable for beginners.

learn how to build websites 2

Step 4: Set Up Your Travel Blog

Once you have chosen a blogging platform, it’s time to set up your travel blog. This involves selecting a theme, customizing your design, and installing essential plugins.

Choosing a theme is an important step in creating the look and feel of your travel blog. Most blogging platforms offer a wide range of themes to choose from, ranging from minimalist designs to more elaborate and colourful layouts. When selecting a theme, it’s important to consider the overall aesthetic you want to achieve and how it aligns with your brand.

Customizing your design involves adding your logo, choosing colours and fonts, and arranging your blog’s layout. This can be done through the customization options provided by your chosen blogging platform. It’s important to create a cohesive and visually appealing design that reflects your brand identity.

Installing essential plugins is another important step in setting up your travel blog. Plugins are additional pieces of software that add functionality to your blog. Some essential plugins for travel bloggers include SEO plugins to optimize your blog for search engines, social sharing plugins to encourage readers to share your content on social media, and analytics plugins to track your blog’s performance.

Step 5: Create a Content Plan for Your Travel Blog

Creating a content plan is crucial in ensuring consistency and quality in your travel blog. A content plan helps you stay organized and ensures that you always have fresh and engaging content for your readers.

When creating a content plan, it’s important to brainstorm content ideas that align with your niche and target audience. Think about the types of content that would be valuable and interesting to your readers. This could include travel guides, destination reviews, packing tips, or personal stories and experiences.

Related: How to write affiliate product reviews.

Organizing your editorial calendar is another important aspect of creating a content plan. An editorial calendar helps you plan and schedule your content in advance, ensuring that you have a consistent posting schedule. It also allows you to plan for seasonal or timely content, such as holiday travel guides or destination recommendations for specific times of the year.

When creating your editorial calendar, it’s important to consider the frequency of your blog posts. Consistency is key in building an audience, so it’s important to establish a posting schedule that you can realistically maintain. Whether you choose to post once a week or once a month, it’s important to stick to your schedule and deliver quality content to your readers.

Step 6: Create Great Content for Your Travel Blog

Creating engaging and informative content is essential in attracting and retaining readers for your travel blog. There are several types of content that you can create to provide value to your audience.

Travel guides are a popular type of content that provide readers with detailed information about specific destinations. These guides can include recommendations for accommodations, restaurants, attractions, and activities. They should be well-researched and provide practical tips and advice for travellers.

Destination reviews are another type of content that can be valuable to your readers. These reviews can include personal experiences, highlights, and recommendations for specific destinations. They should be honest and provide a balanced perspective on the destination.

Personal stories and experiences are also popular types of content that allow readers to connect with you on a deeper level. Sharing personal anecdotes and insights can make your blog more relatable and engaging. It’s important to be authentic and share both the highs and lows of your travel experiences.

In addition to creating great written content, it’s also important to improve your writing and photography skills. Good writing is essential in conveying your thoughts and experiences effectively. It’s important to write in a clear and concise manner, using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for your readers. Similarly, good photography can enhance your blog’s visual appeal and make your content more engaging. Investing in a good camera and learning basic photography techniques can greatly improve the quality of your travel photos.

Step 7: Promote Your Travel Blog

Promoting your travel blog is crucial in attracting readers and building your audience. There are several strategies that you can implement to promote your blog and increase its visibility.

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your travel blog. Create accounts on popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and share your blog posts and updates with your followers. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, and use hashtags to increase the reach of your posts.

Email marketing is another effective strategy for promoting your travel blog. Collect email addresses from your readers and send them regular updates and newsletters. This allows you to stay in touch with your audience and drive traffic to your blog.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of promoting your travel blog. Optimize your blog posts for relevant keywords and phrases to improve their visibility in search engine results. This involves conducting keyword research, optimizing your meta tags, and creating high-quality content that is valuable to readers.

promote your business

Step 8: Build Relationships with Other Travel Bloggers

Building relationships with other travel bloggers can be incredibly beneficial in growing your travel blog. Networking with other bloggers allows you to share tips, learn from each other’s experiences, and even collaborate on projects.

Social media is a great platform for building relationships with other travel bloggers. Follow other bloggers in your niche, engage with their content by liking and commenting on their posts, and reach out to them through direct messages or emails. Attend blogging conferences or events where you can meet other bloggers in person and establish connections.

Related: Building influencer relationships.

Collaborating with other bloggers can also help you expand your reach and attract new readers. This can involve guest posting on each other’s blogs, participating in blog hops or link parties, or even organizing joint giveaways or contests. Collaborations can help you tap into each other’s audiences and gain exposure to new readers.

Summary & Next Steps

Always look at the winners for inspiration and take something away that you can use for your niche site projects. I would suggest starting with Google searches and results, then social media hashtags and posts to find winning posts, people, topics and websites that are coming up. Create a folder of bookmarks of these inspiration sites for future reference.

Start with Nomadic Matt. He is one of the most well-known travel blogs, offering practical tips and advice for budget travellers. The blog covers a wide range of destinations and provides detailed guides on how to travel on a budget. Nomadic Matt has also published several books and offers online courses for aspiring travellers

Next, you want to look at the money side of a travel niche site. This will eventually be your money maker so pay attention to where people make money in the travel niche. If using affiliate promotions find what’s paying decent amounts and what’s actually being used by reviews on the product.

This is ALL YOU NEED to get started. The next steps are pretty much defining your brand, audience fit and how you will publish content and affiliate products ie on a website or social media. That’s all you need to then start posting and getting eyeballs on your Travel niche business.

This now is your green light to publish content, promote products and get paid. In a nutshell. You can build this out, scale it up and create communities. The direction that you take it is yours 🙂 All you need to do is apply focus and take action. I hope this was helpful.


What is a travel blog?

A travel blog is a website or platform where individuals share their travel experiences, tips, and advice with others. It can include photos, videos, and written content.

Why should I start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog allows you to document your travels, share your experiences with others, and potentially earn money through sponsorships and partnerships.

What do I need to start a travel blog?

To start a travel blog, you will need a domain name, web hosting, and a blogging platform such as WordPress. You will also need a camera to take photos and videos, and a laptop or computer to write and publish your content.

How do I choose a domain name for my travel blog?

Choose a domain name that is easy to remember, relevant to your niche, and unique. Avoid using numbers or hyphens in your domain name.

What kind of content should I publish on my travel blog?

You can publish a variety of content on your travel blog, including travel guides, destination reviews, travel tips, and personal stories. You can also include photos and videos to enhance your content.

How do I promote my travel blog?

Promote your travel blog through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also collaborate with other bloggers and travel influencers to reach a wider audience.

How can I monetize my travel blog?

You can monetize your travel blog through sponsorships, partnerships, affiliate marketing, and advertising. You can also sell products such as travel guides and e-books.
