Disclosure Statement
This is a personal blog that exists for the purpose of helping people create online business and shape their lifestyle business.
I promote products and services using affiliate links as a way to help me support the running of this blog.
Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the biggest brands on the planet use it. This includes the likes of Amazon, Nike, Walmart and many many more.
If you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may make a small commission.
I am very careful about the products/services I recommend and if I believe that they hold no value I won’t link to them
With that in mind, you should assume that all links are affiliate links and do your own due diligence before making a purchase. What’s right for me, may not be the perfect solution for you. It’s important to figure out what you want to achieve, this will make any purchase decisions far easier.
Earnings and results.
The results I discuss aren’t typical, whether it be examples of how much you could earn or how much traffic you could get.
There’s no guarantee that just because I did really well, that you will achieve the same results. There are many variables and pathways to take that would make it very hard for you and I to have the exact same results.
Shopify Partners (Affiliate)
Click Bucks is a partner of Shopify. I promote Shopify on https://clickbucks.xyz. When purchasing Shopify via my links I get a commission.
This is a full disclosure and please treat all links at Click Bucks as affiliate links including any link linking to Shopify.
As recent allegations of “get rick quick” schemes and Shopify, I am in no way making my full income off promoting Shopify. I haven’t made much money at all from Shopify partners and the majority of my income comes from Shopify stores and affiliate promotions I sold and other various stores I have been involved in. My other income comes from general affiliate marketing and other various offline income.
You can’t live off Shopify affiliate commissions alone, unless thsi sii your sole focus and you create one heck of a campaign promoting it.
If you start a Shopify store it’s your responsibility to take action and results are not typical.
Earnings & Results.
The results I discuss are from my own experiences and not a universal method for everyone other than myself. This relates to examples of how much you could earn or how much traffic you could get. I am making assumptions from the research I have done and it may be somewhat limited pertaining to anything other than thae targets I am researching.
There’s no guarantee that just because we did really well, that you will achieve the same.
I am not a financial advisor and I don’t provide qualified financial advice. If you follow my advice it is from a normal everyday person who had some success creating a business model that worked for my unique lifestyle. You should seek financial advice if you want to create a business and change your finances.
All student results you see from people who have taken courses from this website are not typical they are from commitment to the process shown in the trainings. They are from hard work and relate to that individuals own unique situation.
I NEVER promote get quick rich schemes. I do promote products and services that I use myself.
Once again results are not typical.