How Do You Become An Affiliate Marketer?

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How Do You Become An Affiliate Marketer?

Really its quite easy you build up a website that you intend to use for the hub of the promotion and then apply to the affiliate networks that you wish to join. There will be some requirements on your side for each network byt that depends on your selection.

I would highly suggest having everything in order before joining a network. This means your bank that you intend to use for payments, your tax documents and business names and any LLC PTY type business setup documentation. I also suggest having at the very least a 5 page website setup with something about you your business or the niche that you are targeting.

This all helps the networks make a choice thats going to help them sell more. Be their best choice when applying. Do not half ass your application. This type of job can change your life and if you want to half ass around and not put in your best then you may struggle before the race begins.

amazon affiliates dissappointed at commission reduction

What qualifies you to be an Amazon affiliate?

You will need to be approved within the Amazon affiliate program called Amazon associates. They have some basic terms and conditions and you really should pay attention to the do’s and dont’s as Amazon is one of the most anal about the terms of service for the program and sadly they hold all the cards if you step out of line just once expect them to come down on you hard.

🔗 Does Amazon associates pay you for click to purchase?

Yes they do as long as the affiliate link was displayed within their terms of service for the associates program.

If your click to purchase referral is all good under the TOS then yes you get that sweet commission for the referral. The idea is to provide as much hype about the thing you promote that the reader clicks over and purchases the product.

Amazon does a really good job at converting visitors to customers. So as long as you can attract a large amount of visitors you will naturally start to make some clikc to purchases. You should work on creating solid page copy to really sell and hype up the product.

🔗 Can You Post Amazon Affiliate Links On Facebook?

No you can not. Facebook has started blocking most affiliate links and parameters.

You are best off creating what is called a bridge page or a squeeze page that collects the email address, provides a little overview and then sends people to the affiliate link.

🔗 Can you buy through your own Amazon afiliate link?

No you can not. You can buy through family members or friends links if you want to help them out. 

Amazon is super strict with the whole terms of service thing they really crack down on it.

🔗 How many affiliate programs should you join?

I would suggest a handful like 10 or so and in my opinion avoid Amazon or dont make Amazon your main source of affiliate revenue. They are too unprpedictable and have in the past made wild changes to the associates program and cut the payouts down again and again.

Build an empire with affiliate marketing

How do I start affiliate marketing as a beginner?

🌐 What is the best affiliate network for a beginner?

The best networks for beginners are the bigger ones. They wont be as strict with minimum requirements as the smaller more niched out networks.

My picks are beginners

  • CJ (Commission Junction)
  • Share A Sale
  • eBay affiliates
  • Amazon Associates (its easy to join)

These are the better networks to start on and then look at moving to more niche networks when you have some runs on the board. If you know someone who will vouch for you that is already making decent sales for a network the affiliate manager may be a little more relaxed on your application if you have any buddies who are in teh business.

I started out and had not very many people in my circle but the guy who got me into affiliate marketing is Jeff Lenney a very successful power affiliate.

🚧 How do I start affiliate marketing without a website?

If you do not have a website and plan to build one you will need to be clear about that in your applications to the networks.

You may be ok if you have a following on a social media platform like YouTube or Instagram Tik Tok etc. This will depend on each networks terms of service for websites verse social media.

But I highly recommend getting yourself a website. You need to capture the email addresses to send the backend promotions and its one of the ways that you can rank web pages for free and get even more commissions.

Get the A to Z of building an affiliate website right here.

💵 How do I get paid from affiliate links?

The process involves you have a unique ID tracking link of the product that you are promoting. This is your uinique ID that identifies all of your referral traffic.

Here is an example affiliate link:

Here is anexample of a masked affiliate link:

As people click through your affiliate link they get tagged with an identifer that tells the network or merchant that you sent that visitor. The analytics then assist the network and merchant if that visitor you sent actually purchases.

Then your unique ID is tagged as making a successful referral and you are then assigned the commission for the sale. Most networks and merchants do not release the fund right then and there and they often have a holding cycle of 7 days, 14 days, 30 days or a money threshold like pay me when I make $100 in commissions.

Affiliate marketeing is not to complicated but for newbies it just means getting familiar with the technology involved. You can always fast track that and subscribe to my newsletter and ping me for help and guidance when you get stuck. I love business, creating wealth and helping people make their first online buck. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you take action and make something happen. Peace!

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